
Hey everyone! I found this to be the perfect way for those of you who know me to see how I doin and what I'm up to and fior those of you who don't know me very well to get to know me a little better. I have a very corny side to me which you will probably see in these posts. Enjoy!

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I live in Knoxville,TN with my family of 6. I have two sisters and one brother. I have just finished my first year at PCC. This fall I will be adding a Music major with a violin proficiency to my Church Music major with a piano proficiency. Music is my main interest and it's one of my most enjoyable activities. I play piano,violin,and I have been taking cello in strings class.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Last weekend my family and I went down to our home town in Florida to play for a wedding. The couple was James Clark and Katlin Booth for those of you that know them and for those of you that don't they are the ones in the top picture. It's always so special for us to be able to go down there since it's the place we grew up. It all started with a 9hr car drive on Friday :-(. Jenny Maxson, a friend of ours, went along with us because she was a bridesmaid in the wedding. We left at 6am and arrived about 3pm. The wedding rehersal was at 5pm which are always disasters! I was the pianist for this wedding and the timing never really gets solid during the rehersals so I always come away from those more nervous than I go. Afterwards we went to La Rambas, a mexican resturant, for the rehersal dinner. We had a load of fun and the food was awesome as you can see in the above picture . The only problem was the manager wasn't the best but thats okay. The wedding was at 1pm Saturday and it was beautiful. The only problems were that one of the flower girls got stage fright and refused to come down until her mother talked to her. The other problem was that they forgot the ring and the father of the bride had to go get them out of the car. But besides that it was a wonderful wedding. Afterwards we went bowling with all our friends down there and had a marvelous time. It's awesome to see that christion young people can still have good, clean fun together. The next morning my dad preached in sunday school for the whole church and I played piano for the morning service. After the morning service we changed and got back on the road and headed home. It's always suuch a blessing to go back there.


Blogger Mantoine said...

You've gone head-first in this blog. Keep it up.

7:20 PM  

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