
Hey everyone! I found this to be the perfect way for those of you who know me to see how I doin and what I'm up to and fior those of you who don't know me very well to get to know me a little better. I have a very corny side to me which you will probably see in these posts. Enjoy!

My Photo

I live in Knoxville,TN with my family of 6. I have two sisters and one brother. I have just finished my first year at PCC. This fall I will be adding a Music major with a violin proficiency to my Church Music major with a piano proficiency. Music is my main interest and it's one of my most enjoyable activities. I play piano,violin,and I have been taking cello in strings class.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Here's some pix of our recitals at SMA. There was a big range of ability and style in all the recitals which kept them interesting. They had recitals every afternoon the last week, a few evening reacitals, a chamber group recital, and a honors recital on the last full day. I had the opportunity to play in the first evening recital, accompany for several afternoon recitals, play a violin and a piano duet in the chambers recital, and I also got to accompany a cellist and play a solo in the honors recital. My favorite one was probably the two duets. They were both a lot of fun. Everyone did a really awsome job and I hope they keep it up!


Blogger Melissa said...

I took alot of those!!!!!!! of course not the one with me in it, and if I did, I must have been usin my super human powers!! (but please keep my "True" Identity a secret! LOL!

8:28 PM  
Blogger Mantoine said...


6:20 AM  
Blogger AmberTheBlog.com said...

Hey, Victor! What's going on? I wonder if you will read this during the summer or if you will have to wait until you get home for the summer...

Anyways, just wanted to say hi and give you the link to my page.


6:21 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

Hey Victor! I love your pics! Hopefully you'll update this thing soon though!

7:46 PM  
Blogger AmberTheBlog.com said...

heheh seriously. Update, dude! *pokes*

7:59 PM  

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