
Hey everyone! I found this to be the perfect way for those of you who know me to see how I doin and what I'm up to and fior those of you who don't know me very well to get to know me a little better. I have a very corny side to me which you will probably see in these posts. Enjoy!

My Photo

I live in Knoxville,TN with my family of 6. I have two sisters and one brother. I have just finished my first year at PCC. This fall I will be adding a Music major with a violin proficiency to my Church Music major with a piano proficiency. Music is my main interest and it's one of my most enjoyable activities. I play piano,violin,and I have been taking cello in strings class.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hey there everyone! It has been sooooo long since I've posted...last August in fact :-/. Well a lot has happened since my last post as you could imagine. This post is going to be a quick breeze through this year and more specifics about recent adventures will come later. I have finished a complete year at PCC and loved it 10x more than I even expected. Classes went very well and I've learned alot. But I must say the biggest thing I gained this year was a tremedous group of friends. Oh sorry, you want pictures? Here you go

Here they are, not all, but several of my close friends on campus. This summer I had the opportunity to travel with a PCC ensemble as the tenor in the group. It was the most amazing experience. Our covered New York, all of New England, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Ontario. All that and more pictures in future posts. Bye!



Blogger Gina said...

Yay!! You finally updated! I love the pics :) Thanks for commenting on my sad little blog too lol. Now it doesn't looks so pitiful :D

4:46 PM  
Blogger AmberTheBlog.com said...

YAY!!! An update! Awwwwww I don't have these pics! *steals and kicks stupid laptop for crashing* But you're sending me a disc so I'll be okay. ^_^

7:14 PM  

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